Whole Egg Powder
similar to egg yolk powder but less fat and more protein.
Greensnow Egg
Property: similar to egg yolk powder but less fat and more protein.
Application: bakery, biscuits, pasta, noodles, mayonnaise, salad dressing etc.
Reconstitution: 1 portion of whole egg powder dissolved in 3.25 portion of water corresponds to approximately 4.25 portions of fresh liquid whole egg.
Recommended ratio: 0.5%- 2.0%, depends on different products.
Shelf life: 12 months kept sealed in cool dry place at room temperature.
Standard Of Whole Egg Powder (Executive Standards:Q/DLX 0001S)
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Product Series
Add: Jinggang Industrial Area, Yingchengzi Town, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China
All Rights Reserved © Dalian Greensnow Egg Products Development Co.,Ltd.